Golf Club histories do not normally make for lively reading. Often you can find the same level of interest perusing a Telephone Directory or a Cookery Book. They tend to occupy shelves rather than minds.
I have tried to make this book readable both for members and to other golfers outwith the club. The first two chapters set the golf scene in St. Andrews in 1843 and the following fifty years when the foundations of our modem game were laid down.
The remaining chapters tell the story of St. Andrews Golf Club largely as revealed in the Minute Books. I do not apologise for quoting extensively from them because the Victorian phraseology gives the extracts their own special flavour.
Throughout I have tried to bring out the human and humorous side of this great Club’s development.
Every author accumulates is own “Thank you” list.
My greatest debt is owed to the three previous Club historians – John Sorley (1911), Robert Baptie (1933) and Andrew Bennett (1946). Without their researches life would have been very difficult for me.
David Joy has made a major contribution. Many of the old photographs and all the line drawings of our champions are his, as is the cover design. Throughout he has been enthusiastic, supportive and knowledgeable.
Reading my handwriting is an art which Mrs. Judy Cox acquired in long hours of transcribing. She was patient and encouraging, above arid beyond the call of duty.
My wife, Kay, was of great help in proof reading the pages just before printing. Terry Scanlon of Quick Print handled the printing of the history.
Thanks are due to two Companies. GB Papers, Guardbridge provided the paper as they also did for our Centenary History in 1946. St. Andrews Golf Club looks forward to them providing the paper for our Bicentenary history in 2043.
Howard Smith Papers (Scotland) Ltd. provided the financial back-up which allowed us to tackle the production of this history.
I and St. Andrews Golf Club thank the two companies and all those who helped to make this book possible.
Eric D. Clark (November 1992)
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